Euro Brokers Screen System – IP Change

Euro Brokers routinely updates its technical infrastructure to improve the service we provide to you. On August 19, 2005 5:00PM, we are migrating our Screen System (VCSC) Internet service to a new IP address space.

Firms that access the Screen System via the Internet may need to update their infrastructure (e.g. firewall, NAT) to accommodate this change. All VCSC traffic to the IP address will be migrated to the IP address of This change will take effect on Friday, August 19, 2005. Failure to update any address information in your network and/or firewall security rules may result in failure to connect to our system.

If you use or or a similar address, you can access the new service immediately by changing to If this change works, then no further action is required.

You can check your settings and change to the new service by accessing Source->Options from the main menu, select PSCDB Setting and change the Host / Address to

Please forward this document to your firm’s technical representative and encourage them to contact Euro Brokers Help Desk at 646-346-7290 prior to Friday, August 19, 2005 to discuss this change and to work with our staff to ensure a smooth transition.

Have any questions?